Every year my daughter Caroline starts dreaming up ideas for her December birthday... in July. This year she was turning eight and wanted to have a sleep over party. Not just any sleep over party, one complete with silk pajamas, glitter and champagne glasses. A very grown up, girly party. To keep it age appropriate we settled on a Shabby Chic theme.
Dez from Paper Candee has designed the most adorable shabby chic printable package that she was kind enough to send over for the party. She even designed a few new pieces just for the occasion, including these sleeping mask invitations! Seriously, how ADORABLE are these?!
It was difficult for me not to go overboard with the chic part of this party, but I managed to restrain myself! I made a simple white cake with raspberry filling and decorated it with pale blue ruffled frosting. Using a strand of small pearl beads, I hung the super cute bunting on the cake.
I love how everything came together: soft, sweet, girly and chic.

Inspired by the printables, I made some cookies with Caroline's initial and then covered the "C" with glitter, of course. The little heart cookies are my favorite though. Very simple, yet chic.
The white cupcakes were filled with raspberry and topped with pink frosting. At the last second, I added the pink bows to the cupcake toppers. Very girly.

Pink lemonade was poured into champange glasses and shabby chic flags were added to the stems. Of all the details, I'd have to say the little flags were my very favorite.
For the backdrop, I purchased three white foam core boards at Walmart for $4 each. I measured the length of my buffet, taped the boards together at the seams on the front and back, and cut the width down to size.
I found some plain fabric with pink polka dots at Joann's for $5, I only needed one yard. I stapled the fabric around the edges of the foam board, attached the printable banner and added the pretty bows.
The girls sang Taylor Swift karaoke, did each other's hair and makeup and stayed up all night gossiping before they finally passed out. Never.under.estimate the stamina of eight year old girls!
Since this was a sleepover, I thought it would be fun to have a breakfast table waiting for them in the morning! There were pancakes, french toast kabobs, chocolate muffins, a donut cake and a few of the leftover cookies from the night before.
I would especially like to thank Dez from Paper Candee for all of her help with this party! She was such a doll to work with, adapting her Shabby Chic Tea Party printables and creating several new pieces of her collection specifically for Caroline's party including:
sleeping mask invitations
mini cake bunting
pennant banner
medallion banner
drink flags
sleeves for the wafer cookies
Her adorable Etsy shop can be found
here, and don't forget to stop by and "like" her Facebook page